Türk Gruplar
- 17 Ohm
- 21. Peron
- 252
- 657
- 80 Kalibre
- A Red Snowflake
- A.B.E.A.
- Aaaarrghh
- Abluka
- Abrasion
- Abrogate
- Abysmal Trench
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- Acrosome
- Acrossanity
- Adytum
- Aegnor
- Affliction
- Aggregate Pain
- Agony
- Agora
- Akbaba
- Akredsyah
- Almôra
- Altar
- Altona
- Altus Ultionis
- Amoral Vuslat
- Amoria
- Anaflaxia
- Ankh Of Gloria
- Anlipnes
- Antediluvian
- Antisilence
- Apathetic
- Apoplexy
- Apriori
- Apsent
- Aradin Azun
- Asafated
- Ascraeus
- Astrahan
- Astral Division
- Atratus
- Badluck
- Badragath
- Baht
- Battlorn
- Bayt Gadol
- Belfagor
- Black Omen
- Black Tooth
- Blaspheron
- Bloody Blossom
- Brutal Axe
- Brutalcore
- Brutalized
- Burial Invocation
- Burst Appeal
- Carnophage
- Catafalque
- Catastrophe
- Celestial Asylum
- Cem Köksal
- Cenotaph
- Cidesphere
- Colde
- Comma
- Conchadors
- Constantinopolis
- Consume
- Corroded
- Cosmic Funeral
- Cragataska
- Crossfire
- Cruor Ignis
- D'arch
- Damned Cry
- Dark Abyss
- Darkphase
- Dawnfall
- Dead Wish
- Death Oath
- Death Project
- Death Ritual
- Deathroom
- Decaying Purity
- Decimation
- Deep Inside
- Deggial
- Desecrarchy
- Diabolical
- Diadema
- Diken
- Dimness Through Infinity
- Dirty Black
- Disenchant
- Disgrace
- Disorder
- Distopia
- Dr. Skull
- Drain Of Impurity
- Dreamtone
- Dungeon of Wizard
- Ebonsight
- Edna
- Ehrimen
- Eisreflektionen
- Electrocute
- End Of...
- Episode 13
- Erythrocyte
- Eternal Dreams
- Ethereal Travel
- Eudaimonia
- Eversoris
- Exile
- Ezayah
- Faded Serena
- False In Truth
- Fırtına
- Forgotten
- Freedom Gray
- Frozen Scars
- Gargoyle
- Garmadh
- Gates Of Eternity
- Giyotin
- Godslaying Hellblast
- Grazadh
- Groza
- Hazy Hill
- Hecatomb
- Hellstaff
- Heretic Soul
- Ilkim Oulanem
- In Spite
- Infected
- Infidel
- Isra
- Karakedi
- Karantina
- Kasatura
- Kathastrophobia
- Kefen
- Ketum
- Knight Errant
- Kronik
- Kuaför Cengiz
- Leather Charm
- Let It Flow
- Leviathan
- Lost Infinity
- Lustre
- Magick
- Magilum
- Malefic Order
- Teke
- Whisky
Yabancı Gruplar
- 100 Demons
- 1125
- 16
- 1931
- 2 O' Clock Girlfriend
- 2012
- 23:19
- 25 Ta Life
- 29/09
- 3 Mile Scream
- 3,14...
- 36 Deadly Fists
- 37 Stabwoundz
- 4 Stories Deep
- 40Gradi
- 40SLS
- 43 Urban
- 50 Caliber
- 50 Lions
- 562
- 6 Days Of Dying
- 6 Weapons
- 7 Angels 7 Plagues
- 7 Generations
- 7 Pages Of Silence
- 80,000 Dead
- 8Control
- 9 Lives
- A Beautiful Burning
- A Black Rose Burial
- A Bloody Epitaph
- A Breath Before Surfacing
- A Burial At Sea
- A Coprophile Obssessed Virgin Schoolgirls Underwear Rubber
- A Day To Remember
- A Different Breed Of Killer
- A Dozen Furies
- A Dying Dream
- A Fallen Theory
- A Natural Failure
- A Plea For Purging
- A Portrait Of Disaster
- A Red Dawn
- A Sangre Fria
- A Stained Glass Romance
- A Subtle Understatement
- A Textbook Tragedy
- A Thousand Falling Skies
- A Thousand Times Repent
- A Thousand Years Slavery
- A Traitor Like Judas
- A Traves Del Cielo
- A. Ghost
- Abacinate
- Abaddon Incarnate
- Abandon All
- Abandon All Hope
- Abigail Williams
- Abinitio
- Abominable Iron Sloth
- Aborted
- Aborted Fetus
- Abortion Clinic Shooting Spree
- About A Plane Crash
- Abysmal Torment
- Acariya
- Acedia
- Adelaide
- Adora
- Aegaeon
- Aeon Of Horus
- Afgrund
- After Dark I Bleed
- After The Burial
- Agenda Of Swine
- Aggressive Chill
- Aghast
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed
- Akerbel Kropos
- Akercocke
- Alexandrea
- Alice Through The Windshield Glass
- All Bets Off
- All Idols Fall
- All Of Them
- All Out War
- All Shall Perish
- All The Arms We Need
- Allguilty
- Alpha And Omega
- Amaka Hahina
- Amarna Reign
- Ambush
- American Me
- American Nightmare
- Amesoeurs
- Amoebic Dysentery
- Among The Departed
- Amongst The Dead
- Amoral
- An American Shootout
- Anaal Nathrakh
- Anal Nosorog
- Ancestor
- And Hell Followed With
- And Their Eyes Were Bloodshot
- Arizmenda
- Austkrigar
- Austkrigar
- Austkrigar
- Avaëthre
- Axeman
- Azar
- Aäkon Këëtrëh
- Barbaros
- Barzak
- Beerdigungs Lauten
- Bekhira
- Belathuzur
- Belketre
- Bethlehem
- Black Legions Projects
- Black Murder
- Blood Covenant
- Brenoritvrezorkre
- Burzum
- Carnavage
- Chambre Noir
- Chapel of Ghouls
- Crackdust
- Devast
- Dhul-Qarnayn
- Diagnose Lebensgefahr
- Dvnaèbkre
- Dzlvarv
- Ekho
- Fatal Nation
- Förnost
- Gene-Split
- Hellraper
- Hvrúmbzgnrvóme
- I Killed The Prom Queen
- Immortal Ayatollah
- Infertile Surrogacy
- Kallathon
- Khold
- Kuxan Suum
- Litham
- Mogovtre
- Moëvöt
- Mütiilation
- Narjahanam
- Neblina
- Orator
- Parkway Drive
- Persefone
- Poizon Green
- Powersurge
- Qafas
- RockStrata
- Satanicum Tenebrae
- Scarecrow
- Seviss
- Shatargat
- Silencer
- Smouldering In Forgotten
- Susvourtre
- The Kovenant
- The Red Shore
- Thunder Way
- Tombcrusher
- Torgeist
- Torture
- Uatrb Vélèpr
- Vagézaryavtre
- Vibe
- Vlad Tepes
- Vzaeurvbtre
- Vérmyapre Kommando
- Zelda
Tür: Death Metal / Metal / Thrash
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: USA (Michigan)
Parça Listesi:
1. The End Of Prosperity
2. A Throne Enshrouded
3. Serpents Beneath Their Hoods
4. Give Breath To Her Memory
5. An Infestation
6. The Pious, Now Corrupt
7. A Whisper From Sorrow
8. Legendary
9. Consumed By Silence
10. Ancestral Deceit
Official Releases
Burzum - Demo I (1991)
Tür: Black Metal
Albüm: Demo
Ülke: Norway
Parça Listesi:
1. Lost Wisdom
2. Spell Of Destruction
3. Channeling The Power Of Souls Into A New God
Burzum - Demo II (1991)
Tür: Black Metal
Albüm: Demo
Ülke: Norway
Parça Listesi:
1. Lost Wisdom
2. Depressive Visions Of The Cursed Warrior
3. Lord Of The Depths
4. Spell Of Destruction
5. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
6. Lost Wisdom (Taken from original Demo 1991)
7. Spell Of Destruction (Taken from original Demo 1991)
8. Channelling The Power Of Souls Into A New God (Taken from original Demo 1991)
9. Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown
10. My Key To The Purgatory
11. Rite Of Cleansure
12. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
Burzum - Burzum [Deathlike Silence Productions] (1992)
Tür: Black Metal
Albüm: Demo
Ülke: Norway
Parça Listesi:
1. Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown
2. Ea, Lord Of The Depths
3. Black Spell Of Destruction
4. Channelling The Power Of Souls Into A New God
5. War
6. The Crying Orc
7. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
8. My Journey To The Stars
9. Dungeons Of Darkness
Burzum - Aske [mini-LP] (1993)
Tür: Black Metal
Albüm: EP
Ülke: Norway
Parça Listesi:
1. Stemmen Fra Tårnet
2. Dominus Sathanas
3. A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var (1993)
Tür: Black Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Norway
Parça Listesi:
1. Den Onde Kysten
2. Key To The Gate
3. En Ring Til Å Herske
4. Lost Wisdom
5. Han Som Reiste
6. Når Himmelen Klarner
7. Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn
8. Svarte Troner
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (1994)
Tür: Black Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Norway
Parça Listesi:
1. Det Som En Gang Var
2. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
3. Inn I Slottet Fra Drømmen
4. Tomhet
Burzum - Filosofem (1996)
Tür: Black Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Norway
Parça Listesi:
1. Dunkelheit
2. Jesus' Tod
3. Erblicket Die Töchter Des Firmaments
4. Gebrechlichkeit I
5. Rundgang Um Die Transzendentale Säule Der Singularität
6. Gebrechlichkeit II
Burzum - Dauði Baldrs [Balder's Død] (1997)
Tür: Black Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Norway
Parça Listesi:
1. Dauði Baldrs
2. Hermoðr Á Helferð
3. Bálferð Baldrs
4. Í Heimr Heljar
5. Illa Tiðandi
6. Móti Ragnarokum
Burzum - Hliðskjálf (1999)
Tür: Black Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Norway
Parça Listesi:
1. Tuistos Herz
2. Der Tod Wuotans
3. Ansuzgardaraiwô
4. Die Liebe Nerþus'
5. Frijôs Einsames Trauern
6. Einfühlungsvermögen
7. Frijôs Goldene Tränen
8. Der Weinende Hadnur
Burzum - Belus (2010)
Tür: Black Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Norway
Parça Listesi:
1. Leukes Renkespill (Introduksjon)
2. Belus' Død
3. Glemselens Elv
4. Kaimadalthas' Nedstigning
5. Sverddans
6. Keliohesten
7. Morgenrøde
8. Belus' Tilbakekomst (Konklusjon)
Tür: Black Metal / Grindcore
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: United Kingdom
Parça Listesi:
1. In The Constellation Of The Black Widow
2. I Am The Wrath Of Gods And The Desolation Of The Earth Music
3. More Of Fire Than Blood
4. The Unbearable Filth Of The Soul
5. Terror In The Mind Of God
6. So Be It
7. The Lucifer Effect
8. Oil Upon The Sores Of Lepers
9. Satanarchrist
10. Blood Eagles Carved On The Backs Of Innocents
Diken - Hedef Büyük (1998)
Tür: Heavy Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Türkiye
Parça Listesi:
1. Öğret Bana
2. Sana İhtiyacım Var
3. Hedef Büyük
4. Tek Kelimem
5. Dost Yüreği
6. Önderim Ben
7. Hep Hükmeden Olmak
8. Işık
9. Ateşoğlu
10. Asla Vazgeçme
Diken - Düşlerim Ölümsüzdür (1999)
Tür: Heavy Metal
Albüm: EP
Ülke: Türkiye
Parça Listesi:
1. Oktay
2. Sokaklar
3. Tek Kelimem (2. Versiyon)
4. Düşlerim Ölümsüzdür
Diken - Ay Batarken (2003)
Tür: Heavy Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Türkiye
Parça Listesi:
1. Işık Olsam
2. Yüreğine Al Beni
3. Karagül
4. Dolunay
5. Sabret Yüreğim
6. Kara Dünya
7. Demirnefer
8. Ay Batarken
9. Onsekizinde
10. Ağla
11. Karatoprak
12. Kan Ve Aşk
Diken - İsyan (2008)
Tür: Heavy Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Türkiye
Parça Listesi:
1. Siyah Antlar İçinde
2. Onsekiz Yaş
3. Korku
4. Nefes
5. Aşkın Kılıcı
6. Bozgun
7. Komando
8. Son Darbe
9. Seri Katil
10. Yak Kendini
Decimation - Helpless Souls (2004)
Tür: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Albüm: Demo
Ülke: Türkiye (Ankara)
Parça Listesi:
1. Helpless Souls
2. A Different Purpose of Sanguinary
3. Reverent To Pure Suffering
Decimation - Entering The Celestial Ruins (2007)
Tür: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Türkiye (Ankara)
Parça Listesi:
1. To The Underworld ''Arallu''
2. Entering The Celestial Ruins
3. Reclaiming The Past
4. Vision Of Nunamnir
5. Diabolical Rebellion
6. Declaretion Of Dark Secrecies
7. From Dark Sides
8. Veracity In Relics
9. Welcome To The Endless Abyss
10. Helpless Souls ''Bonus Track''
Decimation - Promo (2008)
Tür: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Albüm: Demo
Ülke: Türkiye (Ankara)
Parça Listesi:
1. Nocturnal Chaos
Decimation - Anthems Of An Empyreal Dominion (2010)
Tür: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Albüm: Demo
Ülke: Türkiye (Ankara)
Parça Listesi:
1. Exercising The Ancient Reign (Intro)
2. Sardonic Equilibrium Decree Humiliating Imkhullu
3. Peripheral Profligacy Of Transcendental Lower World
4. Nocturnal Chaos
5. Martyring The Ethereal Patriarch
6. Profane Councils Of A Higher Debauchery
7. Uncircumscribed Delinquency At The Gates Of Anu
8. Entering The Celestial Ruins
9. Summoning The Hordes Of Ghoul Chapel Daemons
10. Gospels In The Exile Of The Omnipotent
Tür: Brutal Death Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Türkiye (Istanbul, Kadıköy)
Parça Listesi:
1. Intro
2. Phases Of Dimensional Torture
3. Atrocious Execution
4. Causing Mass Carnage
5. Create The Torso With A Hatchet
6. Exhume, Baptise And Bury
7. Mass Decapitation
8. Drowning By Sense Of Perversion
9. They Were Raped In Quarantine
10. Hemorrhoids Throat
11. Punish The Deceptive Severely
12. Increasing Deformations
24 Şubat 2010

Tür: Doom / Death Metal
Albüm: Dark Again
Ülke: Türkiye
Parça Listesi:
1. Fade Away
2. Dark Again
3. Unknown Cause
4. Deadlife
5. Tiring Flames
6. Created Hell
7. Daydream
8. Judas Kiss
Death Project - Capital Punish (1992)
Tür: Death Metal
Albüm: Demo
Ülke: Türkiye (Bursa)
Parça Listesi:
1. Realise Out Of Death
2. Slay Commission Of Technology
3. Radiation Sickness
Death Project - Mission Accomplished (1995)

Tür: Death Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Türkiye (Bursa)
Parça Listesi:
1. Intro
2. Transforming From An Angel To A Demon
3. Death Project Phase
4. No Succed Until I Am Dead
5. Truth Of Mankind
6. Defeated Gods II
7. Stay At Live
8. Aberration
9. About All
10. Fading Dreams
11. D.I.T.O.R. (Death Is The Only Reality)
12. Defeated Gods I
13. Worthless Loser
Tür: Death Metal
Albüm: Demo
Ülke: Türkiye (Bursa)
Parça Listesi:
1. Realise Out Of Death
2. Slay Commission Of Technology
3. Radiation Sickness
Death Project - Mission Accomplished (1995)

Tür: Death Metal
Albüm: Full-Length
Ülke: Türkiye (Bursa)
Parça Listesi:
1. Intro
2. Transforming From An Angel To A Demon
3. Death Project Phase
4. No Succed Until I Am Dead
5. Truth Of Mankind
6. Defeated Gods II
7. Stay At Live
8. Aberration
9. About All
10. Fading Dreams
11. D.I.T.O.R. (Death Is The Only Reality)
12. Defeated Gods I
13. Worthless Loser
Amoral - Wound Creations (2004)
Tür: Technical Death Metal
Albüm: Wound Creations
Ülke: Finland (Helsinki)
Parça Listesi:
1. The Verge
2. Atrocity Evolution
3. Silent Renewal
4. Solvent
5. The Last Round
6. Other Flesh
7. Distract
8. Nothing Daunted (Gallows Pole Rock 'n Roll)
9. Languor Passage
10. Metamorphosis
Amoral - Decrowning (2005)
Tür: Technical Death Metal
Albüm: Decrowning
Ülke: Finland (Helsinki)
Parça Listesi:
1. Showdown
2. Lacrimal Gland
3. Decrowning
4. Tiebreaker
5. Drug of Choice
6. Denial 101
7. Control Cancer
8. Raptus
9. Warp
10. Bleeder
Amoral - Reptile Ride (2007)
Tür: Technical Death Metal
Albüm: Reptile Ride
Ülke: Finland (Helsinki)
Parça Listesi:
1. Leave Your Dead Behind
2. Nervasion
3. Hang Me High
4. Mute
5. Few and Far Between
6. Snake Skin Saddle
7. D-Drop Bop
8. Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Fun
9. Pusher
Amoral - Show Your Colors (2009)
Tür: Technical Death Metal
Albüm: Show Your Colors
Ülke: Finland (Helsinki)
Parça Listesi:
1. Random Words
2. Release
3. A Shade of Gray
4. Year of the Suckerpunch
5. Perfection Design
6. Sex N' Satan
7. Song for the Stubborn
8. Vivid
9. Gave Up Easy
10. Last October
11. Exit
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- Anal Nosorog - Gazavat (2009)
- Anaal Nathrakh - In The Constellation Of The Black...
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- Diabolical - Daimonion (2005)
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- Deep Inside - Dark Again (2009)
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- Dead Wish - From The Land Of Forgotten Graves (2004)
- Dawnfall - The Fall Of The Crown (2009)
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- Amongst The Dead - Age Of Filth EP (2008)
- Among The Departed - Demo (2009)
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- 23:19 - Sincerely, The Haunter (2008)
- 16 - Bridges To Burn (2009)
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- American Me - Heat (2008)
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- 3 Mile Scream - A Prelude To Our Demise (2006)
- A Dying Dream - Now Or Never (2006)
- A Dozen Furies
- A Burial At Sea - Like A Blessing (2009)
- A Black Rose Burial - An Awakening Of Revenants (2...
- 9 Lives - Demo (2008)
- 6 Weapons - Vida Salvaje (2009)
- 2012 - These Final Hours (2009)
- Alpha And Omega - Devils Bed EP (2008)
- Allguilty - Primary Color Solution (2008)
- All The Arms We Need - Rising Empire (2008)
- All That Remains
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- All Of Them - Ma Tyranie EP (2008)
- All Idols Fall - Standing On The Brink EP (2008)
- All Bets Off
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- Alexandrea - Demo (2008)
- Akercocke - Antichrist (2007)
- Akerbel Kropos - Demo (2005)
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Agorapocalypse (2009)
- Aggressive Chill - Aggressive Chill (2008)
- Agenda Of Swine - Waves Of Human Suffering (2008)
- After The Burial
- After Dark I Bleed - Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! ...
- Colde - ...Of Honor (2004)
- Conchadors
- Aegaeon - Exponential Transcendence (2009)
- Corroded - Executed In One Second (1999)
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- Celestial Asylum - Cosmic Creation (2004)
- Afgrund - Vid Helvetets Grindar (2009)
- Aeon Of Horus - The Embodiment Of Darkness And Lig...
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- Adora - Safeguard The Helpless (2005)
- Adelaide - Adelaide (2009)
- Acedia - Everyone You Love Will Eventually Die (2004)
- Burst Appeal - Pray Icon (2005)
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- Acariya - Acariya (2008)
- Blaspheron - Hidden Darkness (2005)
- Black Tooth - İronclad (2007)
- Badragath - Saptırıcı (2006)
- Battlorn - Long Way From The Dark (2001)
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- I Killed The Prom Queen
- Atratus - Tacit (2005)
- Astral Division - Spadyum (2007)
- Astrahan - Bıkkın, Kızgın & Keskin (2003)
- Ascraeus
- 21. Peron - 21. Peron (2003)
- Agora - Desolation Angel (2005)
- Apriori - Obsessive Reactions (2008)
- Altar
- Akbaba - Moonlight (1990)
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- Apoplexy - Sun Of Paradise (2006)
- Ankh Of Gloria - Dim Motion (2007)
- Amoral Vuslat
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- Abysmal Trench - The Abyss Of Illusion (2007)
- Adytum - Promo & False Was The Promises Of Darknes...
- About A Plane Crash
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